Fisher College Athletics Hall of Fame Awards - The Dennis Bistany Award 

The Dennis Bistany Award is named after former Fisher Baseball Assistant Coach Dennis Bistany, who gave his life to save another in the summer of 2009. The award was created in his honor as a way to continue the character that Coach Bistany displayed. He was known in the department as the moral compass, never compromising his integrity and values. Coach Bistany was well known through out the area for his selfishness when it came to the youth as we was a middle school teacher and youth baseball coach to many. He volunteered for many organizations over the years and left the corporate world to pursue his passion for teaching. He passed away the way he lived, sacrificing himself for others as he drowned after saving the life of a friend in need. His legacy and spirit will always be remembered as we present this award in his honor. 


Natividad Manalo '19, Presenter Ken Olisky '06, Jacob Sharpe '20



David Lindberg with presenter Ken Olisky '06



Amanda Matarese with presenter Joey Eugenio '07 | Anthony Perry '08 with presenter Joey Eugenio '07



Ken Olisky '06 with presenter Joey Eugenio '07




Presenter Anthony Perry '08, Delia Brimmer '12, Presenter Joey Eugenio '08 | Presenter Anthony Perry '08, Daurys Batista '12, Presenter Joey Eugenio '08



Kevin Michael '11




John Trask